Transformational Life Coaching

Transformational Life Coaching is life coaching at the Soul level that works in two worlds:
The world of healing and the world of creation.
Life is a voyage of self-discovery. In order to transform your life you must go within and discover who and what you are and know you have the ability to change for the better by loving and taking care of yourself.
Transformational Life Coaching helps you connect to a deeper part of your Self, helping you see the roadblocks and limiting thinking that you can not see yourself.
You'll learn to listen to what your Soul wants for your life....what will bring you true love, happiness and fulfillment.
There is a power within you that can direct you to your perfect health, your perfect relationships, your perfect career and your perfect life, bringing you prosperity and abundance in every aspect of your life.
When you change your thoughts, emotions and beliefs, you change your life.
If you want to change your external world and experiences, you must change your internal world.
Taking ownership and responsibility of your life gives you back your power to make the changes and transformations you desire.
~ Kim Kay

Life is happening for you, not to you.

You can transform your life.
You live in a world of infinite possibility and you are the only one standing in the way of those possibilities.
Spiritual healing work will shift you deeply. Internal conflicts will begin to fade. Old negative energy will lift. And your soul's truth will surface.
​It is now your job to heal whatever you've been carrying that is blocking you, keeping you stuck, unhappy and in discontent. No matter where it came from, you have the power to clear it.
You can positively impact the rest of your life by the decisions you make today.
No one is coming to change your life for you. What you are doing right now, in this present moment is laying the groundwork for tomorrow.
Your life is responding to you, with every thought, emotion and belief that you have. If you want to change your external world, it starts with changing your internal world.
This is the moment to answer the question:
How would my life change if I decided to invest in myself and take action today?
More of a life you LOVE and you can Create IT!

Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your values.

Experience deep meaningful relationships.

Find an unwavering peace and happiness even in challenging times.

Experience self-love and inner support like never before.
Connect with your inner guidance system for ultimate clarity.

Learn how to manifest anything you desire in life.
your life is meant for more...